"You're About to Discover The Secret I Used
to Quit my Job, Make a Full Time Living
Online and Even Rake In $112,766.10
From a Single Idea!"
And Best of All… It’s Hand off! Anyone Can Do This! (Yes, Even if You’re a Newbie… Heck, Especially if You’re a Newbie!)
Making money online takes a lot of time and a lot of work…. That’s a fact!
*Despite what some slick marketers would have you believe…
How do I know this? Because I’ve been doing it for years.
Let me ask you something….
- Do you have boat loads of brilliant ideas that you want to implement, but never quite seem to get them done and out the door?
- Are you sick and tired of bouncing around from one bright and shiny thing to the next, just to end up wasting even more of your valuable time and money?
- Do you feel overwhelmed with all the things you’ve got to do and learn in order to build your business? So much so that your productivity actually goes down as a result?
- Do you spend a lot of your productive time doing small menial tasks instead of focusing your time on the big picture of building your business?
- Does it seem like it takes about five times as long to get a project done as what you initially planned on it taking?
- Do you wish you could significantly increase your productivity and focus while saving both time and money in the process?
I’ll be the first one to say that I feel your pain.
With all the different shiny new ways to make money online flooding your inbox day after day, it’s easy to see how you could wind up riding the internet marketing merry-go-round, just to end up right where you started!
Let’s face it. Information overload flat out SUCKS!
The first law of internet marketing states:
“The sooner you can get things done, the faster you make money.”
It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a website called scriptlance.com, back in 2006 (Now freelancer.com) did I finally learn about outsourcing. I would visit the site multiple times per day to see what other people were having outsourced, and thought it looked easy enough, so I jumped right in.
I started outsourcing articles, websites, graphics, and all sorts of things. The problem was, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing.
“I used to think outsourcing was as simple as posting up a job description, and getting anything you want done for you…”
Well, as it turns out, it isn’t that cut-n-dry.
I got burned several times, once for over $4,000, before I finally started to actually get good at hiring the right people, and making sure I got the most out of each deal.
Quick Question...
Can You do ALL of these things by yourself, AND within a reasonable enough time frame to still make money?
And the list goes on and on...
I didn’t think so... Nobody Can.
(Sure maybe you can do 3 or 4 of them, maybe even 10, but in order to move your business forward you need to be able to do pretty much ALL of these things!)
That’s Why Outsourcing is so Crucial!
Now, am I good at a lot of these skills? I like to think so. I’ve been working online since 2005, so I do know quite a bit. However, the thing is, there are plenty of qualified people out there that are in fact way more skilled than I am, and can handle these tasks for me.
Getting things done is the difference between success and failure.
Even if what you’re working on isn’t going to be successful, the sooner you can get it done, see the results and either adjust or move on the faster you’re going to get to something that does work and does make you money.
The sooner you can move on from failure, the sooner you’ll reach success.
If you don’t already know who I am, my name is Ben Clemons and I have been involved in internet marketing since 2005, and have been full time since 2006.
I’ve outsourced dozens of different products, software, and websites in my time online in many niche markets. One thing I’ve found, is that one of the most important things you can do to make money online (if not THE most important), is to outsource!
Outsourcing lets you focus more on being creative and creating systems for your business. Plus, let’s face it... When you make your money online, you sometimes tend to get lazy (well at least I do). When you have dependable outsourcers getting the work done for you, you can still continue to grow your business while working much less if you want to.
“The more I’m able to outsource the more I make and the less I have to work!... Isn’t that why we all got into this business in the first place?”
How much more do you think you’d get done by hiring a
full time virtual assistant for $2.50 to $3.50 per hour ?
Trust me... it will blow your mind!
Think about this for a second...
When you are working on a project, you’ve got a hundred different distractions and things to work on. But, when your V.A. does something for you, they’re laser focused on that one task until it’s full completion.
My productivity has gone through the roof since I’ve hired virtual assistants to help in my business . With this leverage, what used to take me three weeks now gets done in two or three days. It really is crazy..
Now it’s Your Turn!
Outsourcing Simplified
My Complete Course on Finding, Hiring, Training, and Fully Automating Outsource Workers to Catapult Your Online Efforts!
This course goes over everything I have learned from over 10+ years of outsourcing!
Inside, I give you every tip and trick I’ve learned. As well as everything to watch out for in order to make sure you get the absolute most from outsourcing, without unnecessarily wasting your hard earned money. I make sure you’re able to get up and running for as fast and cheap as possible.
My goal is to help you become successful with outsourcing, without having to go through all of the painstaking trial and error like I have. I’m giving you the exact tools you need to grow your business faster than you ever thought possible.
Everything in this course is taken directly from my own personal “real life” experience so that you can skip the trial and error part, and jump right in!
Like I said, over the years I have outsourced dozens of different products and websites.
In fact, I have employed over a dozen virtual assistants from the Philippines, and have been to Cebu City Philippines 6 times now. In fact, I plan to go back early next year. (Heck, I even met my wife there) Here is a pic of me hanging out with one of my VA’s and his buddies.
Can you guess which one is me?
LOL. Yep!, the one in the middle with the sunburnt nose.
Just to show you how powerful outsourcing can be, let me share with you just one of my personal case studies...
One of my business partners and I weren’t happy with the Photoshop ecover actions we were using, and thought it would be a good idea to hire someone to create a set for our own use.
We ended up finding an amazing graphic designer who created 50 Photoshop ecover actions for us for only $500, and it turned out to be a killer product! We packaged it up really nice, and put it up for sale.
Sales would come in every single day on autopilot, at either $97 or $77 depending on what we were split testing at the time. The product was a winner, especially for such a small investment (Why I LOVE outsourcing so much!)
Here’s a screenshot from the sites admin area:

However, with so many other new and exciting projects going on, we decided to list the website for sale where it brought in another $30,250 at auction on Flippa!

"Not a bad cash infusion from having one simple idea outsourced if you ask me!"
How many ideas like this do you have floating around that could be making you money??
Like I mentioned before, this course is based on the real-life experiences I’ve had with outsourcing. I break it down into easy to understand modules that show you exactly how I handle all my outsourcing from A to Z!
Inside, you’ll get:
- A detailed 76 page no-fluff ebook that explains everything you need to know to get started today! Newbies and Advanced!
- My proven and tested job write-up and hiring templates
- 16 easy to follow videos so you can sit back and soak it all in!
- Complete mp3 audio version to listen on your mp3 player, smart phone, or in your car!
I share everything I have learned that works, including:
- How to find the absolute best possible Virtual Assistants in the massive sea of resumes. I will show you the exact steps I personally use to find amazing virtual assistants
- How to hire full-time employees for under $3 per hour!
- How to properly train your Virtual Assistants so they become an immediate asset to your business, and don’t get burned out! There are some important things to consider, or else you might lose a great VA. I’ll show you how to avoid this from happening...
- How to find the perfect freelancer for any job, no matter how big or how small. There is a certain set of things you must do if you want to quickly narrow down the best candidates. I show you how!
- How to properly hire a freelancer, and how to handle them once they are hired. This will help ensure that your projects get done on time, so you can keep moving forward!
- How to spot the one crucial trait that some outsourcers have, that if you don’t catch it early, will cost you BIG TIME!
- The right outsourcing mindset - If you don’t have this down from the beginning, you’re limiting your success with outsourcing. Period.
- How to craft the perfect virtual assistant job posting to attract and hire the best VA’s possible! High quality VA’s will be knocking down doors to apply for your job!
- The RIGHT WAY to handle the Virtual Assistant Interview Process to weed out the lemons from the absolute superstars! (If you don’t get this right, you might as well just give away your money)
- What to Do After You Hire a Virtual Assistant to keep them motivated, on track, and profitable for your business. Trust me, a motivated virtual assistant is worth more than their weight in gold!
- Hiring Freelancers vs. Virtual Assistants - Depending on where your business is at, you need to know the differences or you could be out a lot of money.
- How to ensure the people you hire have great communication with you on a daily basis. Simple wording can make a HUGE difference!
- How to Pay your Virtual Assistants - I show you my best practices as well as the 2 main sites that I have used over the years.
- How to Track the work of both your freelancers, and your Virtual Assistants. I show you the specific tools I use to make sure everyone I have hired is focused and on track!
- How to set up your Outsourcing for automation so that you can begin to work less while getting more done at the same time! (Automation is what allows you to work less and live the laptop lifestyle)
- Plus much more!
“Outsourcing is an integral part of my business, yet finding and managing virtual workers can feel like a full-time job!
Your training is PERFECT for people wanting to free themselves of all the mundane tasks associated with internet marketing, as well as a valuable resource for those currently using outsourcers to “get ‘er done.”
Thank you!”
Bill Guthrie Co-Founder of "Keyword Tapp" Research Software
Like I said, I put everything I know about outsourcing into this course.
I honestly believe I can help a lot of people by sharing what I have learned over the years. When I first started outsourcing, I went at it blindly. You don't have to!
Had I known what I know now, my business would have grown much faster, and I would have saved a lot of time and money in the process. I only wish I had someone to show me the ropes like I’m doing for you here.
My Guarantee to You:

You Can Try “Outsourcing Simplified” 100% RISK FREE!
If at any time during the next 30 days, you’re not more than convinced that you will start seeing dramatic results with outsourcing by following my methods, I don’t want your money.
In fact, if you aren’t happy with the material for any reason at all, I don’t want your money. I want you to be happy no matter what!
That’s why I stand firmly behind my 30 days 100% No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. It’s as simple as that!

While the outsourcing tips, tricks, and tactics I'm going to share with you in this course will potentially save you hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of dollars... I'm not going to charge you an arm and a leg (or a kidney).
In fact, I think somewhere between $297 to even $497 would be a more than fair price for this training, as I know I would have saved 10 or 20 times that (easily) if I had known these things right from the start!
(Just imagine 'ONE WASTED MONTH' with a crappy VA, and you've already dumped a few hundred bucks down the drain...)
I'm not going to charge you anywhere near that. But the price WILL increase. Once you close this page, you may lose out on the current price, and it'll be too late.
So you have 2 options... You can either start testing things out for yourself to see what works - and risk losing hundreds or thousands of dollars in the process like I did (not to mention time wasted...)
Or, you can take advantage of this low priced offer and get my entire outsourcing system for the price of a bucket of chicken before I come to back to my senses....
Simply Click the fancy "add to cart" button right now, while it’s still live, and proceed to the 100% safe and secure JVZoo.com payment form.
As soon as your payment is processed, you’ll be directed to the secure download area where you’ll have access to the entire course. In less than 2 minutes from now you’ll be learning the exact secrets that I’ve used over and over to make money from outsourcing.
But remember, this offer will only be available for a very short time before it’s gone... So don’t miss your chance to get the entire Outsourcing Simplified course for literally pennies on the dollar.

Comprehensive, yet easy to follow. Ben Clemons’ “Outsourcing Simplified” is quite simply… Gold!
From the best mindset, to where you can find outsourcers, to how to hire freelancers and/or VAs… to the Interviewing and hiring process, training and paying your VAs, and especially the chapter “Always Be Thinking THIS”…
… it’s woefully underpriced indeed. My network LOVED the material – I highly recommend it!”
Barb Ling Authority Marketing Innovator
P.S. Quit struggling with your internet marketing efforts, and finally start seeing REAL results. You get FULL access to everything RISK FREE for 30 days, so you have nothing to lose! I’m taking all of the risk!
P.P.S. With the right set of tools and methods in your arsenal, you will be well on your way to being successful with outsourcing. If you want to work less hours, while getting much more done, then grab this right now.
P.P.P.S. I don’t know about you, but I personally hate sitting in front of the computer 16+ hours a day just to barely scratch the surface! Proper outsourcing takes care of all that, and this course will show you how!
P.P.P.P.S. This limited offer will only be up for a short while before the price triples, quadruples, or even quintuples in price. After that happens, in order to get this training you’ll have to purchase it at the full price (no exceptions). This is very a limited time special discount. Please do not email me later saying that you missed it.
(I must be fair to the action takers!) Get access right now, and get started today... Click the button below to get started.

Don’t be like Bad Luck Brian...

Still Not Convinced?
See What Others Are Saying...
Ben's course I have to say is by far the most in depth course I have come across; it's well designed and laid out. He takes you through every step of the process from the outsourcing mind set, all the way to the interviewing and hiring process. Plus, tips on training your workers and how best to pay them. There are lots of tips on avoiding the pitfalls of outsourcing, which is great if you are a total newbie. Even if you are not I'm SURE you will find lots of valuable info, tips and resources.
Chris Castle
I don't know Ben personally but you can see from the detailed course that he is speaking from experience. Even after all my research and the numerous courses I have done on outsourcing, I've got more from Ben's course than all the others put together, I just wish I had it several weeks ago. This is in my honest opinion the best outsourcing course I have come across!
If you are looking to get into outsourcing, this is the only course you will need." - Chris Castle, France
"I've been using outsourcing for many years I picked up some very useful jewels inside the course. Outsourcing can have a dramatic impact on the growth of your business but it is filled with many pitfalls that can cost you a lot of time and money.
BL Lewis
Ben does an excellent job of outlining the steps you need to take to avoid these very common and costly issues."
"After reviewing this course I have to tell you I was disappointed...
Micheal Savoie
I wish I had known this stuff 10 years ago. Ben lays it out in easy to understand language, and goes into detail, so that you are not left wondering if you can do this for your business. He even wraps it all up with a chapter on automation, which is a way to get even more productivity out of your team for not a lot of money.
Thanks for a great resource, Ben, but you should have released this years sooner!"
"All I have to say is Holy Crap! I've been outsourcing for several years now and this is without a doubt the most comprehensive guide to outsourcing there is right now.
Dean Soto
One of the most important things that he does is that he lays out all of your options, and then goes on to show you how to use them properly. Not all outsourcing is the same, and often when most people think that they are going to save a ton of time by hiring someone else, they end up spending more time on their outsourcer. It's all in how you use the various types of outsourcing that allows you to truly take advantage and free your time to make more money.
If you want to get started right away on the right path with outsourcing, this is the product to get. It's step-by-step and no nonsense."
"I know a bit about outsourcing as I have hired a virtual team that is turning my business around in the direction I am really happy about. I wonder why I didn’t do this a long time ago.
Placida Acheru
Really impressed at the content Ben has put together, I must say.
It is clear he speaks from experience as I have also experienced some of what he teaches. Then there are a lot I didn’t know which he has pointed out and I have to implement.
I am not going to give away the content but can tell you, you get easy to follow training videos. Some of what he points out, are the must haves, software jobs, and tracking.
If you really want to turn your business around and see real progress then you should get this course."
Business Coach - Unleashed Women's Network